Responder Resilience

Al Pratts

Al Pratts Profile Photo

Deputy Chief | Veteran | Trainer

Alider Pratts is a veteran of the US Marine Corps, has served North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue (NJ) since 2004, and has quickly risen through the ranks by scoring at the top of each of his promotional lists. Pratts became a Captain in 2010, where he worked in the department’s busiest companies including Squad 1 and Ladder Tower 3 in West New York, NJ. He became a Battalion Chief in 2017, where he covered all three battalions as the Third Platoon’s rotating BC, before being promoted to Deputy Chief in 2022. He is North Hudson’s Chief of Special Operations Command, as well as the department’s Training Division Chief. DC Pratts serves as a member of the UASI-Metro USAR Command Staff and is the NJDFS Subject Matter Expert in Fire Service Active Shooter Response. As an Active Shooter Response SME, he maintains leadership roles in local, county, and state interdisciplinary committees. DC Pratts is a NJ Certified Level 2 Fire Instructor, teaches at the Monmouth County Fire Academy and Kean University’s Fire Safety Program, and has written articles published in “Fire Engineering Magazine”.

March 20, 2024

Al Pratts—Succeed in the Need to Lead | S4 E12

Ready to take your career to the next level and achieve that long-awaited promotion? We welcome Al Pratts, Deputy Chief and Chief of Special Operations at North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue and delve deep into the intricate relationship between the first responder promotional process and mental …
Guest: Al Pratts