Responder Resilience

Caryn Czarnecki

Caryn Czarnecki Profile Photo

Firefighter's Spouse

Caryn Czarnecki is an elementary school teacher. She’s been teaching for 26 years at the elementary school where she went as a child. First 6 years she taught first grade and the last 20 she has taught second grade. Caryn’s husband of 20 years, Kevin, is a Captain in a Connecticut Fire Dept. with 34 years of service, 27 career and 7 as volunteer. They met at the fire dept 32 years ago.

March 25, 2022

Responder Relationships: Challenges and Solutions

Caryn Czarnecki has been married to a career firefighter for twenty years, and will share the many unique challenges that come with being a spouse of a first responder. We’ll review some of the real life issues faced by first responder spouses, with Linda Rost, LCSW.