Responder Resilience

John Lynch

John Lynch Profile Photo

Chief of Police & Emergency Management Director

John Lynch has been a Police officer since 1985. He is a volunteer fireman, EMT, chief of police, emergency management director, and Region 1 ESF 13 representative. Chief Lynch has a Masters in Public Administration and Bachelors degree in criminal justice, and heads a police department with a 97% community approval rating.

Aug. 1, 2023

The Leader's Playbook: Insights from the Experts | S3 E31

Responder Resilience podcast is hitting a major milestone with our 100th episode! 🎧🔥 "The Leader's Playbook" brings together 11 inspiring leaders and chiefs sharing their wisdom to help you become the best leader possible.
March 30, 2022

Building Morale Through Positive, Proactive Leadership

On this episode, we’ll be speaking with John Lynch, Town of Wilton, CT Chief of Police & Emergency Management Director, and Nick Paproski, Director Of ALS Operations at Vintech Management Services, about what you can do to become an engaged, proactive leader.