Every day, thousands of police officers put themselves at risk to keep others safe. Sgt. Michael Sugrue was one of them. He has been on the front lines of the battle against duty induced trauma since he responded to a fatal officer involved shooting that instantly changed his whole world. Watch to hear Michael's story, and to learn about his book RELENTLESS COURAGE: Winning the Battle Against Frontline Trauma.
Sergeant. Michael Sugrue has been on the front lines of the battle against duty induced trauma since he responded to a fatal officer involved shooting that instantly changed his whole world. The after effects of this traumatic incident began a journey where Michael experienced administrative betrayal and descended into a downward spiral affecting his work, his marriage, his integrity, and his health.
Michael's story is one of post-traumatic growth and transformation, of having the courage and strength to buck the stigma that prevents law enforcement professionals from seeking mental health services.
His book, RELENTLESS COURAGE: Winning the Battle Against Frontline Trauma, written along with Dr. Shauna Springer, PhD, tackles the complexity of trauma within the law enforcement community, uncovering the unspoken barriers, and outlines a path to healing.
Watch this episode to learn more about how Micahel Sugrue began to heal from PTSI and how his book RELENTLESS COURAGE hopes to help other responders who are suffering from trauma.
Retired Police Sergeant | Author |Speaker
Michael Sugrue began his law enforcement career in the United States Air Force as a Security Forces Officer in 1998. As a Security Forces Officer, Michael specialized in Law Enforcement, Global Force Protection, Anti-Terrorism, Nuclear Security, Foreign Air Field Assessments and Air Base Ground Defense.
Michael served in a variety of assignments including: Flight Leader, Flight Commander, Senior Watch Officer, Chief of Command Post and Chief of Security Forces.
Michael served all over the United States, Europe, the Middle East and South America. He was also a Security Forces Phoenix Raven with the unique identifier of #1173. Michael honorably separated from the Air Force as a Captain in 2004.
Immediately after the Air Force, Michael was hired by the Walnut Creek Police Department where he served in a variety of assignments including: Patrol Officer, Driver Training Instructor (EVOC) Field Training Officer (FTO), SIU Detective, Undercover CA DOJ Narcotic Task Force Agent (Contra Costa County), Public Information Officer (PIO) and Patrol Sergeant.
Michael was awarded the Walnut Creek PD Distinguished Service Medal in 2014 for his heroic and life saving actions during a Fatal Officer Involved Shooting in 2012.
Michael ultimately medically retired in 2018. He is now a Peer Volunteer at the West Coast Post Trauma Retreat (WCPR) and an Ambassador for Save A Warrior (SAW).
Michael is a dedicated advocate for awareness, prevention, education, training on Post Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI) and First Responder Suicide Prev… Read More