May 31, 2023

Copikaze — Managing Mission Impossible | S3 E22

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Copikaze — Managing Mission Impossible | S3 E22

On the next episode of Responder Resilience, we’re joined by Tom Rizzo, Investigations Division Commander and author of the #1 Amazon Best-Seller "Copikaze: A Crucible to Manage Mission Impossible". Listen in as Tom shares his principles of self-discipline and how they can positively impact others. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation.

On the next episode of Responder Resilience, we’re joined by Tom Rizzo, Investigations Division Commander and author of the #1 Amazon Best-Seller "Copikaze: A Crucible to Manage Mission Impossible". Listen in as Tom shares his principles of self-discipline and how they can positively impact others. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation.

Tom Rizzo Profile Photo

Tom Rizzo

Police Captain | Speaker | Author | Instructor

I'm currently in my 20th year and hold the rank of Captain (overseeing both sworn/civilian personnel). I've blended my law enforcement career with that of a military beginning (US Army), college professor for 10+ years, and by serving as a motivational speaker. On
July 1st, I released my first book; "Copikaze", which is a series of lessons built to help navigate the career, while simultaneously serving as a means of understanding for the non- sworn.
I am most proud of the fact that while much younger, I served as the primary caretaker for my mother who suffered from terminal cancer. Since her untimely death, I now find myself caring for my wife, who also suffers from medical disabilities, to include parenting four children. I provide you this background as a means of understanding why I teach what I teach. Traditional supervisory courses, while valuable, seemingly always offer similar content in the "management" of the position, but not the leadership tenets which focus on the human component. With no bad intention, as we promote and gain more years of experience, we tend to become further separated from the operational level and more importantly - our loved ones, who we are tasked to lead and care for (Ivory Tower theory). To counteract this, I've found by learning transformational leadership strategies, officers can influence personnel in such a way that allows them to expand their potential to heights never thought possible. In addition, learning various methods on how to properly address our personal wellness, so that it alig… Read More