We welcome Kristina Moon, President of the Billy Moon Foundation, to discuss organ donation and its impact on first responders and their families. Kristina shares her journey through grief and how she found healing after the tragic loss of her husband, FDNY firefighter Billy Moon, II.

Kristina compassionately discusses the importance of having difficult but necessary conversations about organ donation preferences among first responders and their partners. She offers valuable insights on how couples can prepare for the unexpected, fostering resilience and connection in the face of adversity.

This episode is made possible by the First Responder Center for Excellence, https://firstrespondercenter.org
And Strobes N’ More https://www.strobesnmore.com

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#ResponderResilience #FirstResponders #MentalHealthMatters #OrganDonationAwareness #BillyMoonFoundation #FirstRespondersSupport #GriefAndHealing #CopingWithLoss #OrganDonationConversations #FDNYFirefighters #NavigatingGrief #TraumaAndHealing #LifeAfterLoss